Is bigger better? The how-to's when shopping for diamonds
The Types of Diamonds

The Types of Diamonds

Diamonds are divided into two leading types depending on the impurities found in their chemical structure. These impurities are not necessarily defects, since further elements or structural changes within the diamond gives it color The Types of Diamonds All diamonds are judged on color, cut, clarity and carat, Wholesale Jewelry,…

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The 4C’s Of Diamond Grading

The 4C’s Of Diamond Grading

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the American Gem Society (AGS), and the International Gemological Institute (IGI) are the three most widely known and respected diamond rating laboratories in the world. Each of the classifying laboratories hold developed a very identical cant for identifying the 4 C’s of diamonds The…

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How to make beaded necklace | Beads for Jewelry