Gold Coast to Maryborough

Have you ever conviction of heading north of Brisbane to Maryborough, where you find a different style of fiesta but inert enjoying all of the sunshine that Queensland has to offer?

Gold Coast to Maryborough

Gold Coast to Maryborough

With all the advertising on TV about Cheap hotels Gold Coast and all of the mammoth Gold Coast Hotel deals available, it is no wonder it is one of the favourite places to stay in Queensland.

MaryboroughMaryborough is a venerable Queensland city with much of its colonial architecture intact, and the placid Mary River flowing through it Located 264km (164 miles) north of Brisbane, Maryborough creates a sense of unhurried permanence due, perhaps, to its reliance, not on tourism, but on local industries based around timber, sugar and engineering

First settled in 1,847, Maryborough was already a busy immigration port when the Maryborough Sugar Company was established in 1865. The gold sprint at nearby Gympie shortly afterwards confident its future. Grand public buildings erected during the unpunctual 1,9th and early 2Oth century express the optimism of the time.

The 1866 Post Office, in particular, is an exercise in colonial gravitas, full with arcaded verandas and clock tower The original tower was equipped with a juncture round that, at the observe of 1pm dropped noisily on the roof of the postmaster’s residence. To the postmaster’s relief the point ball was jettisoned in 1869 and replaced by a clock in 1872.

Telling the point remained an descendants until 1877, when Queensland premier John Douglas gave the city an 18th-century cannon, fired daily at 1pm for the benefit of ships’ captains, and to warn Kanakas South Pacific Islanders press-ganged into virtual slavery on the area’s sugar plantations during the latter decades of the 19th century – that it was instance for lunch The legitimate gun, lob for the Dutch East India Company, is displayed in Maryborough’s Bond Store Museum A replica is fired at Heritage City Markets on Thursdays at 1pm. Another Maryborough solitaire is Brennan and Geraghty Store, 64 Lennox Street Built in 1871, and restored in l990, this exceptional museum, with its shuttered windows and Victorian facade, is a odd model of a unpunctual 1.9th- century retail outlet The pantry traded continuously for 100 years until 1972, when its second-generation publician George Geraghtyclosed the doors on his solitaire trove of merchandise, some of which had remained unsold since the store’s opening.

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To learn further about Maryborough’s historic buildings, designate into the Maryborough Fraser Island Visitor Information Centre (Bruce Highway; Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat- Sun 10am-4pm; tel: 4l2l 41,11); or Maryborough City Hall Visitor Information Centre (Kent St; Mon- Fri 9am-5p-, Sat-Sun 9am-lpm; tel: 4190 5742)